The latest fake to enter my collection was received last Friday in some loose change but its a design I hadn't seen before in fake collecting terms.
We all know that the Royal Arms, Celtic Cross and 3 Lions appears to be the most 'frequent' of fakes received, but I had yet to see on any of our fellow 'Counterfeit' websites an Irish flax fake.
The one I received was a very good copy of the Flax in Coronet design, but a reverse year date of 1989 (a year that should have been the Scottish Thistle). The edge inscription wasn't the best but wasn't the worst either that I've witnessed.
Has anyone out there received a similar one or heard about their existence? Do we need to start grading our fakes into common, rare and very rare?
I have been researching and recording mule occurences and yes 1989 with Irish Flax reverse is a scarce one which I have not previously heard of. Other known dates with Irish Flax are 1992, 1993 and 1997. The correct dates for this design are of course 1986 and 1991. Your new mule variety brings the total number of pound mules I have heard of, to 52 - and this excludes further variations in edge motto.